Boat Harbour Camp is a family camp!
As a family facility, all guests are asked to maintain a family atmosphere, therefore, we have a noise curfew at 10 pm except on New Year’s Eve which is 1 am.
Parents are to make sure their children are secure.
All pets are not to be a nuisance to others and must be harnessed at all times.
We are committed to ensuring your stay with us is both memorable and enjoyable!
Provided there is ample notice given and we can re-book the site, we provide a refund on bookings where the full amount has been paid minus the $50 deposit. Deposits are forfeited when the booking is cancelled.
We kindly ask all campers to dispose of or take their own rubbish with them during their stay. Unfortunately, due to our location being a distance from the town of Demark we do not have a regular rubbish collection from our site. We will happily provide rubbish bags that you can use located at the camp kitchen.
We have a recycling bin available which you are welcome to use as well as a Containers for Change bin. We also have a composite system (which our chooks love!) that takes any of your food scraps. All these bins are located at our camp kitchen.
Due to a large number of people using our toilet facilities, we have to make the following rules:
- No squatting on the toilets
- Toilets are to be sat on only
- Toilet paper is to be used and not bottled water
- No bottled water allowed in toilets for washing
- Please consider other users and the cleaning staff
Boat Harbour Camp is pet-friendly! HOWEVER we ask that all dogs be tethered unless walking them as the adjoining Parks on our boundaries have been baited for wild dogs &feral cats.
Please provide your own doggy-doo bags & guests must clean up their pet’s droppings! We provide some if you run out.
No pets allowed in the Camp Kitchen.